Sgoil an Rubha is situated in New Garrabost, Point on the Isle of Lewis. The school has been open since August 2011. Sgoil an Rubha is the amalgamation of Aird, Knock and Bayble schools. The catchment for Sgoil an Rubha is the area of Point. It is some 7 miles from the town of Stornoway, the main town in the Island of Lewis.
In session 2023-24 there are 7 classes and 126 pupils on the school roll. These are made up of 41 Gaelic Medium pupils and 85 English Medium pupils. There are also 16 pupils in the Sgoil Àraich Ghàidhlig and 14 pupils in the Sgoil Àraich.
The school has a number of Classroom Assistants and Auxiliaries. Their duties vary from one to one support to full class and school support. The school has the services of one full-time and one part-time Janitors under the Facilities Management Agreement for the school. It also has the services of a full-time School Assistant. The Parent Council meets regularly in the school and there is also an active Pupil Council.